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TERMS & CONDITIONS (aka 'the boring bits')
I. Counselling and hypnotherapy are subjective experiences therefore no guarantees can be made about the number of sessions that may be needed. The effectiveness of therapy varies from person to person as it requires commitment and motivation.
2. A deposit is required at the time of booking a consultation appointment, and will be returned to you during or following your final session, unless you cancel an appointment without giving the required 48 hours notice. If such a cancellation occurs, your deposit becomes your cancellation fee and a new deposit will be required before a replacement booking can be made.
3. If you purchase a course of multiple therapy sessions, and cancel a session without giving the required 48 hours notice, you will loose that session. If you cancel your prepaid course of therapy midway through you may not receive a refund. Any course of prepaid therapy must be used within 6 months of the original purchase date or it will expire and any outstanding sessions will become null and void.
4. Sue Watson is free to terminate any or all therapy sessions at any time without prior notice, although reasonable notice will be given wherever possible. If Sue Watson cancels or rearranges an appointment at short notice you will not lose your deposit, and the appointment will be rearranged for a mutually convenient time. If Sue Watson terminates a prepaid course of therapy you will receive a refund for the remaining unused sessions on a pro-rata basis.
5. Sue Watson cannot be held responsible for not knowing any information you do not provided her with.
6. Sue Watson will keep your details confidential at all times, with the exception of information that falls under Sue Watson’s duty to disclose, i.e. in the case(s) of current or historical child abuse, where Sue Watson is provided with specific and identifying information about the perpetrator, planned terrorist activity, or other serious crime, or the presence of a credible threat of serious harm to yourself or others.
7. That there may be circumstances which require Sue Watson to contact your GP, including but not limited to your suffering from mental health issues, or your taking certain medications. By providing Sue Watson with your GP’s contact details you give your permission for her to contact them during the course of your therapy if she deems it necessary.
8. Sue Watson stored your therapy records and personal information securely and in accordance with GDPR and Data Protection requirements.
9. Sue Watson is a qualified counsellor and hypnotherapist, is a member of the National Hypnotherapy Society and the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society, and is listed on their respective AVR registers. If you wish to make a complaint about Sue Watson, or the therapy she has provides you can do so by contacting the relevant regulatory body.
From time to time Sue Watson may consult with other colleagues and/or her clinical supervisor regarding elements of your therapy, in such circumstances your identity will not be disclosed.
48 hours notice is required to cancel or rearrange an appointment, if this is not given you may loose your deposit. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for an appointment it may not be possible for the appointment to go ahead, but you may still be charged up to the full cost of the appointment.
Talking therapies of any kind are not a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment.
If you have any questions about any of the above information please do not hesitate to contact Sue Watson either by phone or email.
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